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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online yesterday at 17:35
Male, 28 years, born on 6 September 1996
Actively searching for a job
Moscow, not willing to relocate, prepared for business trips
The approximate area of the job search is specified
English and Spanish teacher and translator
- Interpreter
- Teacher, educator
Employment: full time, part time, work placement
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working
Work experience 6 years 11 months
February 2023 — October 2024
1 year 9 months
English teacher in Thailand
Teaching English in a Thai public school following Thai school curriculum and regulations, keeping records of every student, conducting additional classes and prepping for exams
February 2019 — July 2024
5 years 6 months
Industrial Equipment, Machine Tools and Components... Show more
Linguists translator
Translating from and into many languages (English and Russian (native languages), Spanish (fluent), written Italian, Portuguese, French, Turkish)
Live format Interpreting, user interfaces translation, medical reports, providing communication support with foreign partners and customers
October 2019 — May 2021
1 year 8 months
Online language tutor
Online English and Spanish tutor
Teaching English and Spanish online for individual students and groups, adapting educational materials for specific students goals, making sure student retains learned vocabulary, uses the correct grammar and is speaking most of the lesson time
August 2018 — March 2020
1 year 8 months
LewisForeman School
Saint Petersburg
English teacher
Teaching English in language center, conversational English with no homework, using modern tools and techniques accelerating students progress
October 2017 — May 2018
8 months
State Russian school
English teacher at state school
Teaching English in a standart Russian classroom with more than 25 students, filling out school documentation and conduction extracurricular activities
Skill proficiency levels
Advanced level
Level not specified
Higher education (master)
Факультет романо-германской филологии, Перевод и переводоведение (лингвист, синхронный переводчик)
Филологии и межкультурной коммуникации, Преподаватель английского языка (с доп. спец. испанский)
Professional development, courses
Лингвистика в сфере туризма
БГУ, Гид-переводчик
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Russia
Permission to work: Russia
Desired travel time to work: Up to one hour